The ‘Om’ or ‘Aum’ symbol of Hinduism is believed to have a reference to Trimurti where ‘a’, ‘u’ and ‘m’ of the Aum symbol are considered to be Conception, Preservation and Annihilation. The Hindu Trinity encompasses Brahma - the Creator, Vishnu - the Preserver and Shiva - the Destroyer. The three Gods denote the cyclical nature of our existence.
The Correct Way to Pronounce ‘Aum’
The secret syllable of Om/Aum comprises 3 sounds.
The ‘a’ in Aum symbolises the ‘akar’, the shaped one or awakening of consciousness, where the mind is alert and quick to perceive. While chanting the ‘a’ needs to be mentioned slightly but not stretched, or you can say that just has to be acknowledged. Experience the vibrations in your abdomen and lower body.
The second sound ‘u’ represents ‘ukar’, the shapeless or the dream state of consciousness, where our minds wander into a state of imagination and possibility. During the morning hours, the ‘u’ is much longer than the last sound of ‘m’. The vibrations now shift to the middle parts of the body.
The third and the last sound of ‘m’ signifies neither shaped nor shapeless. The deep sleep state of minds to find rest and rejuvenation. During the mid-day, the sound of ‘u’ and ‘m’ are almost the same length but towards the evening the ‘m’ sound becomes the longest. The vibrations spread across the head region.
How to Practice ‘Aum’ Chanting?
To practice ‘Aum’ chanting, find a quiet place and sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes with a smile on your face. Be aware of your breath and start chanting ‘Aum’. You will feel vibrations throughout your body.